Diary of a Radio Junkie: 635 Days of Waking Up to the News
watercolor, gouache, graphite on paper
7 x 5.5"
Fallout for Trump after Charlottesville, Just in advance of business advisory councils announcement to disband following a string of resignations, Trump disbands 2 of the councils, Top military officials, congressional caucauses, GW and George Bush, other Republicans speak out against racism as do Democrats, Spain rescues nearly 600 people at sea, crossing from Morocco as migration patterns change, Refugees from Raqqa in Northern Syria want ‘ just to stay alive' as US led coalition kilss dozens in airstrikes.
All images, sound, and text (with the exception of the authors listed in the bibliography) © Elise Engler 1996-2024 Thanks to JimWhitakerPhotography.com and to reiniergerritsen.nl and to Jonathan Gross for the digital photography.